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About the project

Mobilities, solidarities and imaginaries across the borders: the mountain, the sea, the urban and the rural as spaces of transit and encounters

Focusing on the Italian context, the project considers the porosity of the national territory, deeply interconnected at a transnational level, in which migrants on the move with different legal status and social positioning give shape to forms of temporary dwelling and mobility, despite the multiplication of borders and boundaries along lines of colour, race, citizenship, gender and class. In the Italian spaces of transit, profoundly transformed by the effects of Covid-19 pandemic, migrants’ mobilities are shaped by mechanisms of containment and multiple filtering, processes of production and reproduction of labour that go often beyond national borders and by the strive for autonomy, fuelled by social representations, imaginaries on the future and narratives of the past which steer choices and biographies. A crucial role in this articulation of mobilities is played by the heterogeneous set of practices of solidarity towards and with migrants: in the urban fabric of the city; around the hotspots, camps and other border apparatuses; in the Mediterranean search and rescue area; within digital platforms and networks; across the alpine passages to northern Europe; in the stratified labour markets in which migrant workforce is employed, as in the agriculture, logistics, delivery and services sector. Therefore, the project aims to investigate the social production of porosity and of new imaginaries along four different spaces of transit – the mountain, the sea, the urban and the rural area – looking at the encounters between migrants on the move and solidarity networks and actions.


21 Settembre 2024
Vetrina cinematografica sul tema delle migrazioni e dei diritti umani nel Mediterraneo. Un evento organizzato da Gaiaitaliapuntocom Filmfest 2024 in collaborazione con il Laboratorio di Sociologia Visuale dell’Università di Genova e i progetti MOBS e SOLROUTES. 23/25.09.2024, 18:00 @ Giardini Luzzati, Genova.
12 Giugno 2024
L’Università Orientale di Napoli ha collaborato all’organizzazione e alla realizzazione della Giornata Mondiale del Rifugiato del Comune di Napoli
6 Maggio 2024
Amare Serre. Evento pubblico di restituzione del lavoro di ricerca condotto dall’équipe di ricerca dell’UniMI sul lavoro delle donne migranti impiegate in agricoltura. Il 19.05 @ Vittoria, Sala delle Capriate
6 Maggio 2024
On the 21st and 22nd of May, the University of Naples L’Orientale will host a two daysinternational trans-disciplinary conference on the topic of migration, mobility and solidarity.The aim of the conference is to examine the current changes in migration law and management.The event will bring together academics, researchers, legal practitioners, associations and civilsociety actors involved […]


27 Settembre 2023
A joint research unit, from the Universities of Genoa and Parma, will carry out an ethnographic journey along the Tunisian coast, with the aim of studying the transformations of the Mediterranean economy, with particular attention to the fishing and tourism sectors, from 30 september to the second half of October.
24 Settembre 2023
Italian national newspaper Repubblica, publishes an interview to Guglielmo Agolino, University of Parma researcher of the MOBS research project.
16 Giugno 2023
New book release from the MOBS research group: “Crocevia Mediterraneo”, published by Eleuthera and edited by Jacopo Anderlini, and Enrico Fravega is a collective logbook related to an ethnographic navigation through the migration routes of the central Mediterranean sea, making stopovers in the main hubs of European border control: Pantelleria, Lampedusa, Linosa, Malta.
12 Aprile 2023
Partono il 21 marzo all’Università di Parma le cliniche giuridico-sociologiche “Migrazioni e frontiere”, promosse dall’Ateneo con l’Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” e la collaborazione di Ciac onlus, Croce Rossa Italiana – Comitato di Susa, Diaconia Valdese, Mediterranea, Medici Senza Frontiere e Migrantour Parma. Le cliniche prevedono una prima fase di formazione propedeutica, con incontri ed esperienze […]